Steve Smith said there is no bad blood between him and Mahendra Singh Dhoni, who was replaced by the Australian as skipper of the Pune Supergiant for the 10th edition of the Indian Premier League. Smith said, There are no issues between MS Dhoni and me. We have shared some messages, MS is very supportive and it does not change my professional relationship with him or anyone else."MS will join the team on April 3 in Pune. The change in captaincy appeared to have been prompted by Pune's ordinary outing last year when they finished seventh in the points table after winning just five of their 14 matches. The prolific batsman was in the capital along with India's Ajinkya Rahane and the season's biggest signing, Ben Stokes, to unveil the Pune Supergiant's jersey for IPL 2017 and "formally welcome Stokes into the RPS family".
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